Electric Trolleys- What do we sell.
We're proud to offer electric trolley's from the industries leading suppliers Motocaddy, Powakaddy and Ben Sayer's.
Our team of Professionals can advise on which trolley would be best for you based on price, features and battery life.
Buying from us makes the process simple and stress-free (Have you ever tried to return a trolley online!) unlike the big suppliers, all records of trolleys purchased will be stored on your Professional shop account which means we can fix any issues or queries straight away.
We also price-match trolleys to ensure our customers are getting the best value for their money.
Our 7 Point Promise:
??Promise 1 - Extensive Choice
We can get you any trolley from the leading suppliers - just tell us what you want!
??Promise 2 - Competitive Pricing
Our prices are highly competitive with those that you'll find anywhere else.
?We will include price match promise messaging if you have opted into this initiative.
??Promise 3 - Expert Demonstration
We'll show you all features and how to put up/take down your trolley so that you're guaranteed maximum enjoyment.
??Promise 4 - Free Trial
We offer a FREE 18-hole trial so you can experience the benefits of using an electric trolley.
??Promise 5 - Free Set-Up
We'll help you set-up your trolley so you can quickly get up and running with your new purchase.
??Promise 6 - Hassle-free Return
If something should go wrong, drop your trolley back to us and we'll take care of it for you.
??Promise 7 - Never without a trolley
Whilst your trolley is being repaired, enjoy FREE use of our rental fleet each time you play.